Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy 5 Months Owen!

Owen is now 5 months old. Wow, where does the time go? He continues to grow more and more each day. And with each day we really see his personality coming out. He's sweet and smart. He's happy and determined. He's silly and full of so much love.

These days Owen enjoys a number of things. He is still breastfeeding and loves his milk. He likes going out with me during the day to run errands. This may include a trip to Target, or the grocery store. He loves playing with his toys. Anything colorful that makes noise and/or music is a huge hit. He likes books a lot too. Anything with Elmo seems to be his favorite. Bright colored books are big with him too. He really likes Leslie Patricelli's books, "Big, Little", "Yes, No", "Quiet, Loud" and "Yummy, Yucky". He also enjoys Ernie and Quincy a great deal. He will "pet" Ernie. He tries to "pet" Quincy too, but Quincy will usually lick Owen's hand before it even touches fur.

Some of the milestones he's recently hit include rolling from his back to his front, and from his front to his back. He is now sleeping in his crib, in his room! This was more of an adjustment for me than for him I think. We used something called the Ferber Method (by Dr. Richard Ferber, a sleep specialist with Harvard I believe) to get him adjusted and sleeping well and it has seemed to work really great. We're happy with it, and so proud of our big boy. We put him down at night, and, most mornings, go into his room to find that he's rotated 90 degrees, sleeping sideways. Once he had even rotated 180 degrees and was "upside down". I do love going in there when he's woken up and seeing his beautiful smiling face, picking him up and feeling his warmth. Its heaven. He's also learned how to really use his Jumperoo Horse to get exercise. In addition, he also enjoys sucking on his toes. Gross. But cute. Haha.

Here are some pictures of Owen:

Riding Gangsta style on his horse:

Playing Mario Kart with Daddy:

Mmmm, love those toes:

Looking at a book in the Bumbo seat:

Waking up side-ways in his crib:

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