Friday, February 6, 2009

Mmm, mmm, good!

I had done all kinds of reading on introducing solid food to Owen. Most of what I had read said that if you are exclusively breastfeeding to wait 6 months. This in spite of our pediatricians giving us the green light to start him at 4 months. My Mommy instincts kicked in and I felt like he was ready before the 6 month mark and we started feeding him rice cereal on February 1st. This would be more like 5 1/2 months.

So we put Owen into his high chair seat and put on his bib. I had alerady washed some bowls and his little spoons. I mixed the rice cereal up with the breastmilk and we were ready. From first spoonful he enthusiasticly and sloppily gobbled it up. We're on day 6 now of the rice cereal and I've learned, after making it a little too thin a couple of times, how he likes to eat it.

Here are some pictures of his first eating adventure. One of the baby food books I borrowed from the library has said that avacados are a great first food. So I bought some of those and we will try those next. Hopefully, more on that in our next blog entry.

Looking oh-so-dashing his a Dr. Suess bib.

Mmmm, that wasn't bad.

I don't know what this thing is, but it tastes pretty good!

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