Wednesday, May 20, 2009

9, and feeling fine!

Owen is 9 months old! I can't believe he's been outside of me longer than he was inside. It couldn't be going by quicker if I wanted it to.

We had Owen's 9 month doctor's appointment on the 12th. He is weighing in at 19 pounds and 12 ounces, and he is 27 1/4 inches tall. He is healthy and the doctor says he is doing well.

Owen is a strong boy, in body and in mind. He sits up and crawls like a pro. He is so curious about the world around him that he can barely stay still. When he gets his diaper changed its all I can do to get him to stay on his back, usually he's flipping over, trying to sit up, rocking on all name it, he's trying to do it. And I'm trying to get a diaper on him all the while! I've become so good at putting on his diaper with him in all positions that when he actually does lie still on his back I almost forget how to put it on him. LOL

He and Quincy have begun "fighting" over Quincy's toys. I guess its the colors and the shapes of Quincy's toys that Owen likes. Quincy will put a toy in front of Owen, in the hopes that he'll throw it to play fetch with him. But then Owen picks it up and plays with it. Sometimes Quincy will let Owen keep it and will then go get another toy to play with instead. And othertimes Quincy will swipe it back from Owen. And then Owen cries. Actually, Owen has been crying when we take any toy/anything away from him that he does not want to give up. This is a new thing.

Owen is still loving food. He loves to eat. Loves Breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. He has definite favorties and definite dislikes. He loves fruit: grapes, kiwi and bananas top that list. He loves cheese. He likes some veggies: broccoli, sweet potato fries, peas, carrots and green beans. It became quite evident to me tonight that he dislikes cauliflower, as he made faces and growled at me when I tried to feed him. He has tried chicken and loves it. He really enjoys having toast with cream cheese on it with his breakfast. Some of his favorite snacks include graham crackers, Gerber puffs and Veggie Fries.

Owen continues to sleep well. He is good for two naps a day and 10-11 1/2 hours a night. We've been teaching him to high five. He smiles at everyone and has the most beautiful little voice I have ever heard when he's singing, talking (lots of da-da's and some ma-ma's) and even when he's screaming. He's such a wonderful little boy and we feel like the luckiest parents in the world to be sharing our life with him.

Our sweet, smiling boy:

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